Wednesday, April 18, 2012

Update for Tuesday, April 17, 2012

Well, as I write this, I must apologize; I havent gotten this blog updated much! It's been a long week, and its only Tuesday!

Well, Today I finally made it to check the Bluebird camera, and on the way there, I stopped to check the "Tufted Titmouse" nest. I walked up, looked in (Of course, I cannot see really far down in) and didnt see anything. So I undid the latch, and when nothing flew out, I relaxed. "Nothing here!" I thought, as I looked down in at the hair and moss that made up the nest; but as I looked towards the front, I got a surprise! there, staring up at me, was a cute little Black-Capped Chickadee! I replaced the lid (I wish I had taken a picture while I was there with it open), stepped back, and left. I never did see her fly! Either she was not scared of me, or was so scared she didnt move!

I then walked up the hill to the Bluebird nest, expecting the same routine to happpen; I'd walk up, she'd fly out, I'd give her mealworms and get the card. I got to about ten feet... nothing happened! 5 feet, nothing! Finally I got up to where I could see in, and my heart sank as I saw no bird! I couldnt tell if the eggs were there or not, so, fearing the worst, I slid my iPhone in to check. They are still there!

I began to wonder if something happened to the mother, as I hadnt seen her at all, until when I got to my laptop, and looked up. there, on the post, was the mother Bluebird! she was soon joined by the Male, and the two watched me give them mealworms.

We should be very close to hatch day now; in fact, I half expected baby birds tonight! (Is it just me being optomistic, or is there a pip in the bottom middle egg?)

Also, other good news: The Chickadees in the post have two tiny white eggs! I also saw them chase a House Wren away (Perhaps the same wren who nested there last year).. poor wren had no choice but to flee in terror, with an angry Chickadee on her tail!

No videos from today, however, here ar some videos from the past few days: (Note: There is one of the Bluebirds dive-bombing a squirrel, but it wouldnt upload. I will try to get it up.)

April 16, 2012:

And from Friday 13:

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