About Our Pair

About our pair:
This pair is nesting in one of two boxes placed on this property.

I built one, and the other was purchased at Walmart.

I placed them on this post earlier this spring, and have had the good fortune of having Bluebirds move into one of them within weeks!

These boxes are placed on the property across the road from my house (I have permission to put up these boxes, and make my little photography expeditions on it)

This is possibly the pair who attempted to chase off a nuthatch at the post they were thinking of using:
(the attack happens around 00:16.)

The female was sleeping in the post, but a Tufted Titmouse took over, and quickly got in their own battle with intruders:

Soon after, the post was abandoned, and something started building in my nest box.

I began checking the box (The top has a slot big enough for my iPhone 4 to slide in to video without its’ case on), and found that building was continuing. I then put a trail cam on the nest, and that, along with seeing the male sitting on the fence, was enough to confirm that this was, in fact, an Eastern Bluebird nest!

The other nest box had something start building, but it stopped. I will update you if something changes.

The videos of the nest have been shot with a Trail Cam with a video resolution of 640x480, so it is not the sharpest video, but at least we get a glimpse into their lives!

Note: I will try to give you a video each day, but in some cases, that may not be possible. Thanks for understanding!